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I am the birth mother. My daughter was removed from my care at 18 months due to my near-catatonic depression. Because I couldn't find a psychiatrist to guarantee it wouldn't recur, she was not given back. She was adopted at five years old, after 3.5 years of weekly, blissful outings. It was very painful. The adoptive parents wrote me twice in the very beginning, then I didn't hear from them again until May of 2021, when my daughter was 17. They were having problems with her, and asked me to give them a break sometimes. By August she was living with me permanently. By December we (her, her brother, and I) were facing eviction because of her behaviour, which included buying and selling drugs from this address, and supplying my neighbour's 14 year-old stepdaughter with mushrooms, which resulted in her hospitalization. If we are evicted, we will be homeless, as I am extremely low-income, and there are literally no apartments left here or anywhere in this province (and possibly even Canada) which I can afford. I told my daughter to change her behaviour or leave. She left. I haven't heard from her since unless it's about money. She lies constantly, about everything, regardless of the (even, possibly legal) consequences for us and her adoptive parents. Most of the stories on here are about shitty birth parents, but I would really love to know that I'm not alone. I loved the child, but do not even like the adolescent. She carries a knife, thinks she's a gangster, and I fear both her and those she associates with. She is prescribed antipsychotics, but doesn't take them consistently, and mixes them with alcohol and street drugs (not just marijuana) anyway. She is not stable, loves only drugs, a grudge, and a vendetta, and hates me and her brother who, unlike me, has been assertive, thus a target for her vitriol.