I am adopting my already adopted child's sibling but the baby isn't due until November and i dont think the birth mom wants to know what it is etc... (which is fine and i understand wanting some separation from the baby etc)
I am really not sure what i should be doing... the agency says they dont want to do anything just yet because there is still a few months so they want to wait about a month before they begin the official process... i already have had my medical clearance and my finger prints done.
Its just killing me to do nothing... i know i probably shouldn't buy any baby gear but what should i be doing... I feel like i need to be doing something but i dont know what that is...
The one thing that I would suggest doing is to develop a closer relationship with the birthmom, if that's something that she is open to. I don't know what type of contact you currently have, given that you've already adopted the sibling. The agency is wanting to wait for an obvious reason, so try to determine what that is ? Is it because she's not that far along? Do they see potential red flags in her not being sure she will place?