Baby Girl 11-28-1977 Utah
In search of any birth family:
Date of Birth: 11/28/1977 (amended BC)
State of birth: Utah (amended BC)
Birth Mother age 19, light complexion, light almost blonde hair, 5ft 3in, prepregnancy weight 110
Birth Father age 22, Was Architect student, dark skin, dark hair aprx 5ft 10in 150/160 lbs
Private Attorney/Private adoption: Roy S Barton (Practice closed prior to 1997 due to heart attack, last contact 1997 He refused to release identifying info, however did say that he had kept in contact through an insurance agent who relayed information to someone in the birth family. Received non-id type letter a few weeks later.)
These are the places I have registered and posted:
Utah Department of Health Vital Statistics: The Utah Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry
[url=]ISRR - International Soundex Reunion Registry[/url]
[url=]Home of The Adoption Database and Adoption Registry[/url]
There have been many others but the links have become bad.
*** FOUND!!! *** As of 02/2015 through DNA testing. See my page on face book Utah Adoption Search and Reunion or google it to find it. Thank you!!