STATE IS MARYLAND...I have full custody of a relative will be 2 years old in Oct. We have had him for 15months. (praying she will sign rights over for adoption) I have been told that is only way to adopt. He has been out of biomoms care for 19 months. First dss then came to us. When full legal custody was decided at court separate "not court ordered" mediation "agreement" was made. This included once a week visit for 2 hours at public place. Also, included random hair folicle test screening. It has been six months and I verbally requested hair folicle test and biomom refused. Should I send a certified letter requesting test? Test was part of agreement. Question is - can I stop visits because she violated agreement? I did not tell her I was going to stop them yet. What to do? But for some reason, now she is ranting and raving saying she is going to do everything she can to get baby back etc. etc.- Her fb page is public view that is how I found information. HELP!
Gosh I'm so glad I didn't fall for taking custody of our daughter (bioniece)...I'd be still fighting biomom for everything. I'm so glad we adopted her! Now DCF is out of the picture and you have to deal with all this yourself. That has gotta suck! Do you have an attorney? can you file for adoption? DCF did all that for us so we didn't have to worry about it so I'm not sure what you would do. Why can't you just stop visits if that is what is in the agreement? She doesn't do it then do what you said you'd do if she didn't. Otherwise I'm sure she'll walk all over you. She's not following her end of the agreement. I'd make sure you have proof she's sending it in writing is probably a good idea. Good luck! Having her manipulations (saying she's gonna get baby back) has gotta be nerve wracking to say the least. I think you may need an attorney.
I would definitely get an adoption attorney to look at your options. As for her threat to get the baby back, if she is refusing to take a drug test, pounce to get that enforced. A positive drug test would likely be in your favor in the court room. Also, if her fb shows any conversations that would be useful in the court room, copy and paste to your computer then share it with your attorney. As for stopping visits, if you have legal custody, and she is breaking a written contract between you that says xyz is not followed then you have the right to stop them i would think. Talk to an adoption/custody attorney would be best.
This is sticky. The mediation agreement is not court ordered which means visits are not court ordered. I will have to file in court to merge order. Which means enforcing visits also but if visits are stopped biomom can file. She is taking some GED type of classes program now and thinks she will get baby back due to this. I sent certified letter requesting drug test &offering to pay for it. She is living with her mom sister in 3 bedroom house just popped out another baby. Total 3 adults 4 kids. No job.
This is sticky. The mediation agreement is not court ordered which means visits are not court ordered. I will have to file in court to merge order. Which means enforcing visits also but if visits are stopped biomom can file.