Hi, I had another post with this question, but didn't get feedback so seeing if anyone out there could give me their opinion.
Have a visit coming up with my ad's birthmom.(we have an open adoption in MA and have 2 visits/year). Anyway, my ad now 5 is saying she doesn't want to go see her birthmom(we've had ad since 3months old and we have no relationship with bm(even though she is my SIL) so ad doesn't really know her..She is a very sweet, well rounded little girl for 5 so I asked her what would make her more comfortable at the visit. She says if her brother could go with her. I'm sure birthmom will have a problem with this but I feel it would really help my ad feel better....In the past I bring ad to park and birthmom meets us there and ad and I play while birthmom just watches, doesn't say much... So what's your thoughts?? Thanks!
I would take her brother if it is what will make it easier for her. I always take both of my sons when we visit with my eldest sons' bio-family. They are both 5 and it gives them someone to play with.
If bio-mom just watches while you and your daughter play this would give your daughter and son time to play and you may be able to visit/talk with bio-mom about how AD is doing. Who knows, maybe it will inspire bio-mom to interact more with your daughter.