How can you be there to help both the child and the relative? Or does there come a point where you have to choose one over the other? Of course that would have to be the child, so then who is left to support the relative?
There is a difference between "supporting" and "enabling" a relative. You can support them as they get better and help they find resources but ultimately it is up to them to fix themselves. You can't let an innocent child have to deal with their issues and you have to protect the child first.
I don't know your relatives situation but our situation is biomom (my SIL) is a drug and out of prison, in and off drugs. Ultimately her recovery is up to her. I won't allow her to bring our daughter down with her and if that is the case there will be no contact from us. You have to put the child first in everything...I just believe you can't truely help an adult until they are ready to help themselves.