Our two foster kids were removed from our home today. The reason given was, "we love them too much". We were supposed to move to TPR then adopt. We are devastated and confused. Why would this happen???
I'm sorry you're going through this! I've heard that caseworkers sometimes move kids to keep them from attaching, but I've never wanted to believe such an absurd and hurtful thing could really happen. I hope someone replies who has some insight. It just seems beyond ridiculous! Your poor kiddos!
Thank you. I thought permenancy placement was just that...permenant. We have the CASA rep. looking into this. She is floored and upset as well.
Our foster kiddos moved from us to a "permanent" foster home when their plan changed from short- to long-term foster care. They've each been moved at least twice since, and not always been kept together. It seriously makes me wonder what the state means by "permanent"! I'm so glad your kids' CASA is looking into this situation.
It could be for a million reasons, but the top of my list is that a Case worker had another family in mind for the kids. I hope the CASA can reverse the move. How long have the kids been with you?
We have had them for four months. TPR was supposed to be filed two months ago. They really attached to us and we to them. Has a removal ever been reversed?
In my state you have a right to an appeal by a neutral third party if you disagree with a placement move if the placement has been in your care for 3 months.
I have heard of the children's attorney and CASA going to court to reverse a move made by CPS, but it all depends on how powerful they are in your state. Here, the CASA, attorneys and CPS work so closely together that moves are rarely made like this unless there is a huge compelling reason.
You need a better answer from the state as to why they were moved, so I would be in the supervisor's office right now asking lots of questions and I wouldn't stop until I got a satisfactory answer. Unfortunatly many case workers are not honest and it is possible that your CW told lies to the supervisor. You need to know who authorized the move, if the supervisor knows about it and how to stop this from happening in the future.
Were the children placed with you as a pre-adoptive placement? If you have had them only 4 months, how long have they been in care? The reason I'm asking is that the state will not file tpr so soon. 4 months is nothing in foster care. It takes a long time to get to that point.
Thank you for responding. The children have been in foster care for one year. We are a pre-adopt and actually went over the required paperwork for the adoption with child prep two weeks ago.
Really sounds like somebody(CW) moved them for personal reasons or for ??? I would definately start talking to any and everybody to find an answer.
I found out they moved the two children again! They are confused and scared. My heart is broken. The bio mom even requested they be moved back to us. I truly think you are correct in that it is a "personal" issue. This CW in my book, is a monster for doing this and two weeks before Christmas! I'm trying my best to get some answers but I have no rights so no- one can legally tell me. I've never been this upset, frustrated and angry in my entire life.
Thank you for listening.