Is anyone about to start the foster care/ adoption process? We're going to be doing the January 12th Taking care of business class. It would be great to meet other couples starting or in the process.
We are so excited and would love to hear any experiences or feedback.
I just called it Phase II! :)
I figured that all the introduction paperwork, classes, workshop, etc was the first phase and now we are starting the interviews and will have the home review for safety.
At your orientation tomorrow, you will get a schedule & information about the required licensing workshop, which goes over safety.
Yes and No. No calls for placement but two calls for consideration. Unfortunately we were told for both that we were not the best match for the child. After hearing the reason for the denial's, it sounds to me like the placement Committee is into splitting hairs. How goes your home study process?
I wouldn't be too worried. Actually I felt the process was actually quite painless. Just remember when your worker goes over the completed home study with you to ask her (a few times) if there is anything on it that may cause the placement committee to have concern. That's whats pretty much hit us, our worker said our study looked fine and not to worry but after our second failure in the committee she mentioned that she noticed it but figured i wouldn't be a big deal. After the fact your pretty much stuck. Have you completed your home inspection yet? The only snag we hit was the baby sitter requirement. We knew we would need to have a few on file but weren't told that would hold up the licensing.
Good to hear you've taken the time to go though your house to make sure its 'kid approved'. It was interesting when we talked to our home licensing worker, evidently not as many people take the time as you would think. She was telling us that she normally has a list of 'fixes' and has to schedule a second visit. Don't forget you can call your licensing worker and ask questions before the inspection. We had a question about baby gates, our fireplace and having the medicines locked up. Our worker was able to help us get that in order before the visit so we could pass the first time.