Back in 2006 I hired a searcher to find my daughters birthmother. Birthmother was found but did not want to talk nor allow a photo to be taken of herself. So searcher then sought out the grandmother. She was found, along with a young aunt. They were happy to hear of our daughter's condition and pictures were exchanged.
Several months ago I thought I found dd's birthmother on the Russian version of facebook. I watched her page and saved every new picture of herself that she posted. Two days before Christmas I checked her list of friends, again, and she had a new "friend"; a sister, whose name matched to the young aunt found in 2006. I made contact with the aunt, giving no specifics about the child we adopted (gender, name). The aunt responded right away, saying "Yes, I am Natalia's aunt! Please send us pictures of her." We have exchanged a few emails, and she sent more pictures of the bio grandma and birthmother. She said they were so happy to hear about Natalia, because they worried so much about her.
On Christmas Eve I gave Natalia a photo album with all the pictures of her birthmother and other bio relatives. I video taped her opening the album and her reaction when I told her who it was. It was so precious! And, she is beyond thrilled. She has quietly showed the photos to a cousin and told my mother the news as well. I told her it's her photo album and her news to share as she likes. I've caught glimpses of her looking through the album occasionally.
It was such a priceless gift for her for Christmas, and for her bio family in Russia as well. (She looks exactly like her birthmother, which is beautiful of course. :D )