So my daughter's adoption was finalized a few days before Christmas, we are so excited as I am sure you can imagine. But now I am trying to get to the paperwork! So in order to add her to my husband's insurance they need a social security number, in order to get a new number and or change her name I need her birth certificate. So I went to the local State office of vital records and they said it can take 3-4 months before it's even updated in the system. That is crazy! In the modern day of technology that it takes 3 months to update something like that??? In March they start registration for kindergarten...
Does anyone have any experience with this? How long did it take? I just want her to be "official" so she can be referred to by her new name. Also do I have to contact the medicaid office to change her name on her medicaid card, and what about when she gets her new social security number? I didn't think of any of these questions before! LOL I can always call her former worker or my lawyer, but I thought I would just check here.
My adoption was finalized in September 2012 and my baby was born in another state so I had a few more hoops to jump through for a new certificate. I received her new birth cert in October, just about 4 weeks later but could have paid an additional fee to have it expedited ( I believe it would cost $60-$70 more). Once I received the new birth certificate, I went to my local social security office and they actually issued her a brand new ss number (some posts from other people said they had a hard time getting a new number and had to prove fraud, etc.... before they would change it. Some states will only change their name and leave the same number). I got the new SS card in about 7 days. I submitted my adoption decree, new birth cert/ss card to Medicaid office and they sent out another card with her new name change. The Medicaid worker did say even if I didn't receive a new medicaid card it wouldn't matter since they go by the medicaid number anyway. Whole process from start to finish took about 6 weeks. Hope this helps!
Hi, we adopted in Feb 2012 in Mifflin County. It took us almost 4 months to get our daughters birth certificate back.
Well we got it last week. Our lawyer suggested sending it overnight as it usually gets processed faster. I also included a copy of the adoption decree and certificate just in case. So it took about a month. They actually called to verify which county it was filed in. Apparently when they come in they automatically go into a back log area, when you send it overnight it goes to the top. No idea why.