Not to get anyone's hopes up just yet, but I just talked to my agency, and my case worker told me about this article that was released just today. She says there is good reason to hope we will be able to go to court and bring our son home! Trying not to get my hopes up too much.
The article states that the bilateral agreement will remain in force until Jan. 1, 2014. It is based on an interview with Putin's press secretary.
[url=]Russia-US Adoption Deal to Last Till 2014 – Putin Spokesman | Russia | RIA Novosti[/url]
Talk about a roller coaster! I was over the moon for a little while only to come back to earth when I saw the update a few minutes later. Oh, what happiness for a brief moment... Is anyone out there going to call into the State Department-USCIS conference call tomorrow afternoon? I wonder what the discussion will focus on?
Well, it is good news for those who have their court ruling....not for us unfortunately. So close. Got the call today that it will not be happening for us...not for now anyway. That was our last chance to go to court before our medicals expire next week. :( Nobody ever said this was going to be easy, did they? Even if we do end up miraculously being allowed to go back, we will have to redo medicals, but I don't even care about that right now. I just hope we can go back at all for our son. We were so, so close!
Yes, there appears to be good news for those few who passed court already:
""The children for whom there are court rulings will leave to be united with their new parents," Peskov said. In those cases where certain legal procedures have not been completed, a full ban on adoptions by Americans becomes effective," Peskov said."
(From Russia Beyond the Headlines)
We have been considering other adoption options, but after having waited almost three years already, in addition to a couple of years 'lost' to failed IVF, I just don't know how much longer we can wait. DH is not interested in an older child, special needs, or fostering. I will never be a mother. I want to cry... this wasn't how my life was supposed to turn out.
My heart shatters for you ladies who so desperately want your babies, and to become a mom. I remember those feelings so clearly, when even adoption was not an option my husband would consider. I cannot imagine have gotten so close to an adoption and having the door slammed in your face, for what feels like another time. I am so, so sorry! Wish I could give you a tight hug and let you cry on my shoulder.:hissy:
Thanks, ladies. If anyone missed the conference call, you didn't miss much. Same stuff we've been told already...they are trying to work it out, urging the Russian government to allow the adoptions "in process" to finish. In process meaning anywhere in the process....they are keeping it broad for now to try to include as many families as possible. They will let us know as soon as they find out anything. Keep checking their website and make sure to give them detailed info about your case and your child. They want to know any special needs especially, if you didn't include that already. Also, there is nothing in the bilateral agreement that legally makes them allow adoptions to complete....they are just hoping that in "the spirit of the agreement" (getting sick of that term) that they will. I wish that they would just instead say "because it is the right and humane thing to do!"
Yes, I agree with all that Gatheringarrows said. Not much new information, but I was really impressed by the paps calling in with great questions. I wish that the state department would figure out how many parents are in exactly what state of in-process and let us know. Won't really change anything, but for some strange reason it would make me feel better (more connected?) knowing how many are in the exact same stage as me. In that same way, I would have loved to find out how many were participating in that conference call. I hope they set up another conference call in the near future. I also hope that they come up with a way to really facilitate the process for any of us who want to switch countries -- although it didn't sound like they would, other than following the current process. After the conference call, I had a difficult hour or so when I tried to convey to my DH how all of this makes me feel (he understands). I'm leaning towards domestic adoption... at least I want to find out the details of that possibility. Yes, I'm not that young anymore (44), but I'm not quite ready to let go of the dream. And God knows that I've given it all I got for the past 5 years. Me, me, me.... yes, I know how it sounds, and I apologize to those who come to this board for some useful information and not navel-gazing. ~grin~ Anyway, the conference call was not filled with new information (as expected), but I felt good about being able to be part of it, listening in. How are you guys doing out there?
Ive had better days.
I second the information that the other ladies shared about the phone call.
I wish there were some more hard questions and real answers. I also wish the US would take a stronger stance in this to help the situation. it all seems so passive aggressive and hyper submissive. blarg.
looking for a glass of wine to go with my whine.
I feel so sad reading all of your posts for those who are waiting. I hope with urging from the U.S. State Dept. that Russia will come to its senses and allow all families in process to adopt their children. The statistics for orphans, especially those who age out of the system, are bleak indeed. My heart is with you guys!
Amy K, NJ
I was on the call yesterday, too. My phone died just as the question was asked, "Why is Pres Obama silent on the ban?" Can anyone answer that? The call did not give much info which is what I expected. The Marine Corps Wife website I posted last week has been much more informative. She is going to a private blog next week (read her January 9 post as to why). I expect to see more info from her in the next week. I also read an article this week about a prayer vigil in the U.S. where the participants had reason to believe there is behind the scenes diplomacy for the ban to be reversed or watered down. I am praying this is the case. We have been told this will take time to work through but we do feel that with the Jan 1, 2014 date that there is more hope than there was even 2 weeks ago. Just remember they have been on holiday so things should start picking up again very soon. I am interested to see how the march turns out tomorrow. Supposed to be 15 to 20,000 people supporting the reversal of the ban. I read that 100,000 Russians want parliament to be disbanded after pushing through the ban. That tells me the Russians want to see adoptions to the U.S. continue.
Pretty much they said that he is deeply concerned about the situation and that the state dept is working with him and everyone they can to get things resolved. Nothing too exciting about that. I've been reading that blog too, and she is pretty spot on with things, and I'm very anxious to see what information she has when she makes her next post. I've also gotten more info from that than from anything else.