The first line of our papers we recieved from court reads, The hearing was originally scheduled to be an Intrem 9 Month Review,How ever the Agency has determened that the primary goal should be changed to adoption...:clap: :clap: Now for the next hearing....We have had our 2GS,sence March 2nd 2011,I have read a lot of posts that say it is a long process but for some reason our CW an her superviser have been pushing this threw on the fast track..Has anyone else been sent threw this fast????:grr:
My husband and I had our 2 nephews for 8 months. They were reunified with bios for 3 months, and removed again. We had them for another 1yr6m and finally adopted them 11/30/12. Once they were removed again, we knew right away that the case was moving to adoption. The process probably would've been a lot quicker if their bios signed over their rights right away instead of playing games. In the end, everything worked out. Good luck, relative adoption is difficult.
The Bm is my stepD an she is prob gona sign the tpr paper an Bd has already lost 4 kids a few yeard back to cys so I know they are gona tpr him. I just hope its smooth because Bgm is interfearing now an never wanted anything to do with them b4 an the 3yr is autistic an the 18 m has seperation issues from me the need to put the kids first not themselves!!!!