It's been a while since I've posted. Two of our children were adopted from foster care and have been receiving a monthly subsidy, as well as there insurance card. We are considering moving out of state, and were wondering if these 'benefits' transfer. I would assume that they would because they are for the kids until age 18. My husband thinks that if we relocate, their benefits will end. I would really appreciate any info.
Yes subsidy and Medicaid will transfer to new state. You will receive new Medicaid from the current state you are living in. For example, I moved from OH to PA and my boys now have PA Medicaid. PA Medicaid didn't cover the exact medications that OH did so we had to try something else first before getting them to pay for the med that worked, but its virtually the same.
It is called the Interstate compact on adoption and medical assistance. We had to stay on the contacts and it took about a month after we moved to get our new insurance cards.
[url=]AAICAMA Site - State Information[/url]