What convictions would prevent kinship placement? I have a lil one who has a big brother with their grandparents , however it appears as if Grandpa has a lengthy record..assault ..grand theft ..breaking and entering? One would think that would be a big old no for placement right?
Not necessarily. Sometimes it depends on how long ago those convictions were. Also, the less violent charges don't seem to matter, at least here. I have a bio dad being considered for placement with a ton of DV and DV violations. I don't think there are many "for sures."
Did any of the crimes involve children? If not then it is anyone's guess as to what will happen. Grandpa might just be given a plan that includes staying out of trouble for X amount of time or something along those lines.
Did any of the crimes involve children? If not then it is anyone's guess as to what will happen. Grandpa might just be given a plan that includes staying out of trouble for X amount of time or something along those lines.
They do not involve children.
I was just curious as they have declined placement of our buttercup at her birth, I realize they may change their mind at any time.
Felonies within a certain time period, regardless of whether they were violent or involved children. It varies by state but you can probably find it for your state by googling. Habitual felonies would indicate someone who is not likely to be able to support a child because they will constantly be in jail.