This is so hard to write, but I need imput from others in my sitution or have been in a similar situation. I have not been on here in months due to a person (a web master no less) being very passive-agressive toward a situation she had never experienced (she was an adoptive mother so has no experience with an adult adoptee). Anyway, enough of that!! I was found years ago by my BM. I was fthrilled and met her immediately! She helped me find my BD and soon after they reconnected, fell back in love and married. This seems like an adoptee's dream come true! I had already lost my real father and my mom was aging and not in great health. She too passed away soon after our reunion. We were fine as long as I allowed them to "parent" me although I was an adult with two boys of my own. We had an amazing decade of closeness. I called them constantly, shared all of my life...good and bad. Finally one day when my BD was hospitalized (unsureif he would pull through), I flew to their side. I needed to be there for them. She felt particularly close to me and admitted she was looking forward to his passing so she could experience new love, had plans to fly to another man the following weekend for a physical affair, and really wanted to leave himm but would be too financially unstable to do so. These things I would have preferred not to be told, but there it was. I lost a great deal of respect for her that day. Before I left, I said my final good byes to my BD, again not knowing if he would make it. I never repeated what I knew....not my place to. She and I did get into a confrontation later and I told her I did not respect her (I was raised with more morals than that) and she started the war. She has convinced my BD I am crazy, blocked my number from his phone, and systematicly ruined my relationship with everyone we know in common with lies and things like, please dont contact her out of respect for us. I am so very hurt that she could do this to me. I am their only child...neither of them ever had another child after me. One part of me is glad to be away from such a manipulative person but the other side is a feeling of abandonment all over again. I had major surgery last week and really miss and need their love. I know I am really feeling vunerable right now but wish I had their suppport. They even moved without me knowing their address, so what am I to do? How am I to feel? My husband is so supportive. He says they were never truley parents....just friends that shared my DNA. I am so distraught. This morning I saw she was on my linkdin page and wrote her a hateful email to either stop searching for info on me and if she wanted to know what was up with me to be a real woman and call. I would appreciate any imput on this. I could really use some insight from someone experiencing anything remotely similar. Truth be known, I really do miss them and love them.