So I sent bio mom a letter outlining our boundaries for contact (ie letters). I'm sure it was difficult to get. Today I checked the po box and it was empty. It's been a month or more. How long do you think it might be until she sends something? She used to send letters weekly to biweekly before adoption.
I wouldnt hold my breath. At least you put it out there and gave her the opportunity. I know how frustrating it can be. I'd giver her 6months to a year before attempting to contact her again.
Thanks. We finalized 13 months ago, and my letter last month was my 2nd contact (1st being a Christmas card/photo). I was trying to decide if we should send something for mother's day or not. I think I'll wait and send something in the fall.
Ditto pp. I wouldn't hold my breath.
I outlined strict boundaries for contact for my son's bps in December (basically stopping all texting and email communication, and routing them to the PO Box only), and haven't heard from them since.
I haven't heard from my daughter's bfamily in about 2 years, and I have no idea why. I've never had to revise our contact boundaries b/c we never offered visits (or indicated that they were a possibility) and communication from bm has always been spotty.
All you can do is send updates/photos and include your po box address in each correspondence.
I've decided that I will continue to send stuff until something comes back to me indicating that they are no longer at that address. I don't send stuff often, but I also don't follow a time table. I send stuff at least once a year, but when school pics come in, I just send those right off to bps.