Daughters biomom was arrested April 25th for a convicted felon with a weapon (felony) and drug paraphernalia (YEAH right she swore she was sober). Jury trial in August for felony according to the website I found it on. I'm just so GLAD our daughter is with us and not her!!! Such a model citizen she has become! LMAO :p
Some people just won't learn.
So glad your DD is safe and sound...for the rest of her life.
How did you find out about the arrest? I believe your SIL lives in another state right?
Happy Baby's mom lives only 20 minutes away but she keeps an extremely low profile. No FB, no email and only uses "burn" phones. Plus our state's on-line court information has not been updated in about 12 months so it is not very useful.
She's in Idaho and they have a website called "Idaho Repository" where you can look up anyone residing in Idaho and see their records...including traffic tickets. I check every so often and hadn't in about a year but just had an urge to check and found her out there again. I'm in Florida so it's nice to know what is going on. I knew she'd mess up but wasn't sure how long it would take her. She's only been out on parole for a couple years.