arkansas parent
Our daughter is 17yrs:grr: . Nope, "T" is NOT good at sports. Poor kid is so clumsy and uncoordinated. The only thing he likes is tennis and I wouldn't say he is good, but he does like playing it (he starts tennis camp in a couple weeks).
Here is another picture of our boys from today.
The little guy, a couple months from five already. Amazing how fast the time goes. Almost as fast as he does!
Well, that's just fine for him not to be good at sports! I'm sure there are all kinds of other things that he is good at! I have mixed feelings about sports, anyway. For one thing, they can get injuries that plague them for the rest of their lives.
Here's some! I think this is the order. First, my two youngest kids with my two grandsons. Next is my granddaughter. Both she and the lighter of my two grandsons, who is her brother, are a quarter black (and my other grandson is half). Then, one of my youngest child's high school graduation pictures. She's Haitian and Filipina. Last is my biracial son with his birth mother, just as they were meeting for the first time. , ,
Last update on October 3, 7:04 am by snow jhon.
Here's some! I think this is the order. First, my two youngest kids with my two grandsons. Next is my granddaughter. Both she and the lighter of my two grandsons, who is her brother, are a quarter black (and my other grandson is half). Then, one of my youngest child's high school graduation pictures. She's Haitian and Filipina. Last is my biracial son with his birth mother, just as they were meeting for the first time. , ,