I don't like to be whiny but I am curious about something that is constantly being brought up to me. Does anyone know where I can find out what the divorce/separation rate among adoptees are vs non-adoptees? I've looked all over but cannot find what I am looking for.
Here's a brief background of my curiosity: if anyone has read some of my other threads you'd see I'm going through marriage issues. I have been, in the last few months, working on bettering myself which will hopefully in turn improve my relationships. But as I've not fully moved back in with my spouse my parents have decided that I'm not dealing with "issues" relating to my adoption and trust/abandonment. I obviously don't agree as I feel I'm working on my trust issues and things relating to my adoption I have faced and dealt with. My trust issue now is not related so much to my adoption as it is my spouse lying to me. Am I just being silly and denying this issue is really about my b-family and not my spouse lying? I'm not so sure I'm completely wrong. Anyway, so it was brought up again how my parents would find it "interesting" to know the stats of divorce/marriage problems among adoptees vs non. Any help would be appreciated as I am growing very weary of using my adoption as such a negative label. Especially since I (the adoptee) feel I am improving in things relating to my b-family and am working on the rest of my life just like any other person. Thanks for your time and reading my post!