Hi. My husband and I adopted our son through foster care here in Texas at the age of 21 months. At the time of the adoption he was considered basic care and did not qualify for a subsidy or Medicaid.
It has since been determined by a medical doctor that he is on the autism spectrum and we are going through the process of requesting a "fair hearing" to get the monthly subsidy and Medicaid.
I was wondering if anybody has any experience with this process. Also, I was wondering if they back pay the monthly subsidy to when the adoption occurred. It would be wonderful to have those funds to help pay for therapy that is not covered by our private insurance.
Thank you!
I have no advice as we are going through the same process in TX. Has anything progressed since you posted? We are just now starting the paperwork to be denied. Wondering what the hearing will be like once we appeal
I went thru this process with my daughter. Sigh! My advice, stay on top of CPS. Call them at least once a month. It took me a year to get it approved because CPS sat on the paperwork for 10 months. I had to get my Congressman involved to make things happen.
As far as backpay, my Congressman told them it would be the right thing to do because "we" messed up so badly for this Mom and her child. That was just backpay to when we applied and not to adoption. Despite the urging from the Congressman, they did not backpay. Hopefully you have a much better experience than we did.
Good luck!
Thanks for your replies. We started this process in April 2013. We had to send in several documents, including a letter from his doctor stating that he has a qualifying medical condition that could not be determined at the time of the adoption. After that I thought the next step was the automatic denial and then I would request the fair hearing .
Then in June I was told that they were starting to work on our case and they would send me another letter with more requirements, none of which were mentioned in the first correspondence. That ticked me off because I could have been gathering all that in the preceding months. Anyway, it took me a few weeks to send that in and that was the last I heard from them.
I was told it is a long process and to expect it to be six months. This is the sixth month so I am hopeful we are near the end.
That is a total bummer about them not back paying. They totally should!
Oh, and another thing I thought of....depending on when your adoption was finalized (ours was 2011) I was wondering if we can go back and file an amended tax return. Remember how there is that adoption tax credit now? And if you adopt a special needs child you can get the full amount of the credit.
I have not looked into that yet, just came to me the other day as a thought.
Please post if you have any updates.
I wondered about the taxes too. I am betting no but man that would be nice!
Ours is moving along rather quickly SO FAR. We requested the original paperwork to apply on the 10th and we already have our denial letter. Appealing on Monday then waiting to see how long until the hearing. We shall see. :confused:
I went thru this process with my daughter. Sigh! My advice, stay on top of CPS. Call them at least once a month. It took me a year to get it approved because CPS sat on the paperwork for 10 months. I had to get my Congressman involved to make things happen.
As far as backpay, my Congressman told them it would be the right thing to do because "we" messed up so badly for this Mom and her child. That was just backpay to when we applied and not to adoption. Despite the urging from the Congressman, they did not backpay. Hopefully you have a much better experience than we did.
Good luck!
Was this in TX? If so, what was the hearing like?
Then in June I was told that they were starting to work on our case and they would send me another letter with more requirements, none of which were mentioned in the first correspondence. That ticked me off because I could have been gathering all that in the preceding months. Anyway, it took me a few weeks to send that in and that was the last I heard from them.
What did they need in the letter if you don't mind? Because I probably need to get to work on that it sounds. Ours just put her condition, that it was genetic so she had at adoption but too young to diagnose, and that it was handicapping.
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I just have a question, we have been Foster/Adopt parents for over a year in Texas. We have only had 1 ER placement (April 2013) that was returned to her family. We have been put in for COUNTLESS legal risk and legally free to adopt placements. We have only been picked once, the little girl ended up going to her grandmother at the last moment and we never received her in our home. We have upped our home to 3 children ages 0 to 7 and still have not been picked. Is there something else we can do? Since we started this process we have had 3 workers. How do they pick foster parents? I was so excited to help our community and love children, it is getting really disappointing that we hear of kids getting placed all the time and it is not us. Any advice?
What did they need in the letter if you don't mind? Because I probably need to get to work on that it sounds. Ours just put her condition, that it was genetic so she had at adoption but too young to diagnose, and that it was handicapping.
I am just seeing this question. So sorry!
I will get the letter out and reply with what they wanted ASAP. :)
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I just have a question, we have been Foster/Adopt parents for over a year in Texas. We have only had 1 ER placement (April 2013) that was returned to her family. We have been put in for COUNTLESS legal risk and legally free to adopt placements. We have only been picked once, the little girl ended up going to her grandmother at the last moment and we never received her in our home. We have upped our home to 3 children ages 0 to 7 and still have not been picked. Is there something else we can do? Since we started this process we have had 3 workers. How do they pick foster parents? I was so excited to help our community and love children, it is getting really disappointing that we hear of kids getting placed all the time and it is not us. Any advice?
I messaged you :)
I am just seeing this question. So sorry!
I will get the letter out and reply with what they wanted ASAP. :)
Hey Elly!
I messaged you to see if you have looked into the IRS situation. We were finally granted subsidy but I'm having a hard time finding out if we can amend that return