Gosh it's been almost 8 yrs since our daughter came here from Idaho. She was 6 and now is 14!!!
Not sure if anyone here remembers me but man I had a fight on my hands to get her here. I wouldn't change it for the world..she is the light of our lives and doing so great!
She wants to sing (has always done it on her own since we had her here) so we are now taking up singing lessons and she is in a chorus locally too. She has the most amazing voice!!! Everyone loves it that hears it. I'm sure she'll go somewhere with it. She might be the next American Idol! LOL
Her biomom (hubbys half sister) doesn't speak to us much. Last time she did I got a message on FB to tell our daughter happy birthday (Her birthday was 8/31) and before that it had to have been years since we even texted or chatted on Facebook. She recently got arrested for possession of pot and having a gun as a convicted felon and spent 75 days in jail. She pled guilty to a lesser charge and got probation..go figure!!! Needless to say we have our own protection here (what did she have a gun for to begin with?!!!) and have been teaching our daughter safety with it and we go to the gun range. One can never be too safe I guess :)
Hope everyone is doing well!!! I come here every so often and try to help if I can. I can remember the ICPC days and how frustrating that was!!!