Our worker thinks its "normal" that we have never been called besides one time for a foster placement.... since June 2012. I called around to other agencies to see if we should maybe make a switch, to a agency that we can be more useful with. One agency said they place at-least one child a day in our town. We became Foster parents to help lil' kiddos and make a difference. Sitting with a empty home is not fun :( I mean I hope no kids need us but, we are here willing to help and never get called.
Is it hard to make a switch to another agency?
Wow....only 1 call since July of last year?????? :eek: That to me sounds unheard of!!
I responded to another post you posted previoulsy but to refresh, I'm in Region 8 and have been licensed since July of this year. I've received a total of maybe 6 calls, none have panned out so far as they all went to other homes....I'm like you, I feel like my hubs and I are a normal everyday family....obviously though it seems like we don't have something they are looking for :confused:
I know the entire region is slow right now, that's coming from my agency and other foster parents within our agency as well as CPS, but it has started to become disheartning....we have a wonderful baby/child room full of everything a baby/child could want, including two people who would take care of them and love them like they should be but yet we remain childless :(
I do hope that you get a placement soon...if not, I'm sure it would just be a matter of contacting another agency and letting them know you want to switch. I'm sure they can walk you through the process.
Good luck!!!!!
Only one call does seems excessively slow. I would even talk to CPS directly and see what they say - no placement for any family? Weird.
I am in Region 6, but our AW said that it is slow for them right now too. She said she usually gets 1-2 new cases a month but has not had a new one in over a month now.
I know... so i dont know what to do. I want to switch but at the same time. i feel like our worker is trying. But we NEVER get foster calls except 1 time in April for an ER placement and we said yes. So.... i dont know what else to do at this point. This was my career choice in life.. I wanted to stay home, work from home so i could foster kiddos..
I'm in Region 7 but we are licensed for legal risk but know our case managers have been SWAMPED with placements. For instance, in June/July they placed like 6-7 newborns from the hospital and were begging some of their foster families to take another kid. I'm a little suspicious of your agency since it has been over a year....We have had more respite care during the last year then that....
I'm in Region 7. Since July, 2012 we've had 4 placements, one of which went to adoption. We were on hold (not taking calls/placements) for 6 of those months. We also had at least 3 more calls that we turned down. So, it seems the pace may vary between agencies. It is possible to switch agencies, but you will have to re-do some of your paperwork and classes. My suggestion is to figure out what agencies you are interested in and go sit down and talk with them about what switching would entail.
We have not gotten a call since Nov, but we are only taking one child under 2 at this point. I think the bad press for CPS and the scrutiny of our area may have something to do with it, but I do not know for sure. I really hope it is just that everyone is loving their kiddos rather than hurting them, but I find that hard to believe given the past years.We were one of the families to get a newborn last July mentioned above, so we were getting calls, but there has been a dramatic slow down since then.
I'm in region 8 too, I think. It seems the normal time range seems to be 3-4 months in between kids. Didn't use to be that way..... It's nice to have a break, but a few weeks to a month is sufficient.... We'd love to find a forever after... but that hasn't happened for us. The wait seems to be more by region then by agency.... At least that's what I've heard....