I have a friend from school who I lost touch with for the past several years. She has bipolar disorder, a traumatic past, and has been using heroin and methadone and smoking cigarettes, presumably during her pregnancy. I've tried to encourage her that it's not too late to stop (to avoid at least some of the damage), and warned her that if she has drugs present in her system while pregnant or the baby does after birth, CPS will need to take the baby while things are sorted out (in my state, at least). She told me she isn't sure what she wants to do anyways and asked if we would want to adopt her baby. I said just that we should get together and talk (she lives in another state, so I'll be buying her a bus ticket). What is the right thing to do here? I don't want to influence her decision to parent vs. adopt - what kind of counseling would be appropriate? If she feels she's leaning towards adoption and wants us to be the parents, should we all go to counseling together? Is it even possible to adopt a non-relative's (but acquaintance's) child, and how does one go about this? We're taking foster parenting classes through a private foster care/therapeutic fostering agency anyways, but it's a local one and I don't know if they would be able to do anything in this situation. Like I said, we live in different states. What if she is using during her pregnancy and CPS takes custody of the baby, would she still be able to choose us as the adoptive parents? I had offered when she first found out that she could come stay with us and I would help her get treatment, therapy, etc. but she has probation. She said she has been to rehab a few times. The father is a long-time addict as well, and has a child he doesn't have custody of. TIA for any suggestions.