Hi everyone,
As an adoptee I've really just begun to process my adoption on a deeper level. I am lucky enough to have a relationship with my birth mom and siblings. It really is neat to see the similarities when as an adult, this is the first time I've truly interacted with them. Because of this, my senior undergrad research project is on adoption and personality factors.
If you are willing to participate and know others who may be interested will you please email me?
My account was banned from as "Rude to Admins" because I had requested a thread to be removed. After they had not removed it, I requested again, and then again. The owner of this site apparently do not care about privacy, they only care about being paid by selling ads. They also deleted my posts saying such.
To protect the privacy of a MINOR, I again request removal of this entire thread:
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I'm currently completing my senior year of undergrad in the field of Psychology. This semester I am conducting a research study on whether or not personality measures differ between adoptees and non-adoptees. Participation is welcomed, even if you are not adopted. Your responses will be entirely anonymous. If you feel uncomfortable in answering any questions, you may choose to stop participating at any time, or you may refuse to answer that question. There are no risks or benefits involved and participation is voluntary.
This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. If you participate, completion of the information indicates your consent.