Hi All,
As an adoptee myself, I've only recently begun to dig deeper into my feeling surrounding everything. I recently visited my birthmom and siblings, and it was everything I had hoped for and more. There are questions that need to be answered still, but at least this provided ground on which to move forward. The entire experience sparked my interest in the topic of Adoption and Personality Factors for my senior research study.
I'm currently completing my senior year of undergrad in the field of Psychology. This semester I am conducting a research study on whether or not personality measures differ between adoptees and non-adoptees. Your participation is greatly appreciated because I'm having trouble locating other adoptees in my area. Your responses will be 100% anonymous. If you feel uncomfortable in answering any questions, you may choose to stop participating at any time, or you may refuse to answer that question. There are no risks or benefits involved and participation is voluntary.
This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. If you participate, completion of the information indicates your consent. I'll gladly discuss the results and other information with anyone who is interested.
Thank you in advance! :thanks:
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I'm a little curious why the announcement was put in this section.This survey asks questions about "family" but doesn't specify which one. I think there are some factors you don't ask about (age, whether the adoption is international or domestic) that might result in different answer patterns. There are some questions that I would definitely have answered differently 10, 20 or 30 years ago.
I filled out your survey but I agree with the poster above, the family questions were vague. I am 50 years old and I speak with my husband and children every day but I do not speak with my adoptive family- with whom I am very close- every day- probably more like once a week. My biological mother and I speak a couple of times a year since we met 15 years ago. The contact with my 5 biological siblings (some on both sides) ranges from never to weekly.
Good luck with the project!