All of our foster children have been at the basic level of need, so I have no experience with what qualifies a child for a higher level. I have an idea, behaviorally, what would qualify a child. What about medically? What constitutes a moderate needs child medically?
We have our first moderate. It's NOT easy. He's MR. Probably PTSD as well. He's had a really, really bad past. His mannerisms are off. He stares off in space. He has a really hard time remembering things. Needs constant reminders just about daily for the same things.... He's in Jr High but is on an early elementary stage. So, special education. He can be sweet, but he can also be very exasperating. He confuses things easily. He may tell me one thing about something, but tell my spouse something totally different about the same thing. Did that make sense? We sometimes get totally different "stories" regarding what happened....
I think all moderates are diff, but this is our experience. He's been with us not quite 2 months.... All I can say is it's not easy. And he's our only Foster right now, at times it can be a real struggle.
Well I have 3 kiddos adopted that they would considerate foster kiddos now are considered moderate as well..
Behaviors include- lying, stealing, manipulation, history of fire setting, physical destruction of property and aggression towards others (as long as others are not getting hurt- then its considered moderate).
My firestarter was high risk as he was in an RTC. My 2 moderate levels were lying, stealing, aggression, etc.
My fire setter is moderate due to no RTC stays and he was 8 when happened. But moderate can be tough. Medically it can mean multiple appointments a week, g tube...