We feel like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Our 6-year-old son got chronic nosebleeds with Clonidine and I assume it would be the same with similar blood pressure meds like Tenex/Intuniv. We tried Adderall and he got an eye tic (constant squinting) that is still there after discontinuing. He really needs medication but I don't know what's left that won't give him side effects. Any thoughts? I've tried essential oils and he gets Omega 3s every day.
Even if two medications are in the same family doesn't mean that the results would be the same. Don't assume that he can't take Intuniv because he couldn't take Clonidine or can't take Ritalin because he can't take Adderal. Talk to your son's psychiatrist and see what he/she suggests. There are also other kinds of medications that may help.