We are ready to start the process to become foster parents, but after speaking with someone at a local agency, I'm wondering if there is even a need(?)
We have 3 bio children (11, 9, and 3) so we would be looking to foster infants up to 3 year olds. The woman I spoke with at this particular agency said that they haven't had ANY infant placements for at least 6 months.
Could this be just an agency thing or is this the case throughout all of the agencies in Austin?
Also, I'd appreciate agency recommendations (PM please), especially any near the southwest end of town.
I am in Region 6 but there have been a lot of infants around here. I got called for one just after my we finalized on my AD, but they found another family very close to where the bio family lived, they would be having visits.
I know that my agency has had several infants placed in the past few months. The central office of my agency is located in Austin, I will PM you more info.
You should call some agencies and CPS just to inquire about how many placements that they have had and how many have led to adoption.
It would be hard to believe that in any major city that there would not be infants that will need placement.