Does anyone know anything about the TB test shortage? We are trying to figure out when the tests will be available again. Did any of you guys have trouble getting the test done as well?
Yes, there was a nation wide shortage but you should be able to find some place in your town that has them such as the city health dept. It took 6 months for my pediatrician's office to get them back in stock; my FSW harassed me every month until I was finally able to get my FS tested in mid December.
Advertisements Ally said it's a shortage across the country. call around to all the dr's and clinics in your area & don't forget the health dept., we did ours in Sep. and I spent literally 4 hours on the phone finding someone to do mine, luckily hubby is a vet so he could get his at the va clinic with no issues...thankfully the chick at the hospital that did mine had already "checked me in" and they had to do it. maybe explain why you are wanting it, that helped me find someone to issue the request.
We didn't have any issue this summer at all even though I was hearing that there were shortages.
I'd check with your regular doctor first. If they don't have it, then I'd call around to see if you can find it. I would think the shortage may be more pronounced in some areas than others. So if you can't find it in your city, maybe try the next major metro if it's not too far away.
Yea, we live in a Podunk area, I did find a hospital 30 minutes away who will do it for 85$, hopefully my insurance will take care of it. Our only other option is an one and a half away only on Tuesday, and we went last Tuesday during the worst weather possible, and they were closed... Bah humbug
that's about what they charged my insurance. i figured i'd have to pay 100% didn't even think about insurance and it ended up only costing my like $2.50. If you found it somewhere get it asap before they run out too.
I know at work they send people to a walk-in clinic type place, they seem to have stuff. You could check with one of the Ready Clinics (the kind in drug stores) in the area, if they don't have any they might know who does.