We are in the middle of a contested adoption. Baby is 7 months old and had never seen her bf besides at DNA testing. The bf's attorney is Supposably filing a motion to see if the judge will grant visits for the dad and baby. Dad has drug issues and very irresponsible. Are they usually supervised or not? Any info would be appreciated. We are located in Indiana.
Well that depends..... I'm assuming his rights aren't terminated. If so yes he has parental rights which will allow him visits. If the child in question is represented by a GAL (Guardian Ad Litem aka:the attorney for the child) they are aware of the First Father's history with substance abuse correct? If so I'm sure that they'll recommend to the judge that the visits are 1 hour supervised (typical starting point). There are different types of supervision, court, regular supervisor or even yourselves. So yes the visits may be supervised but you may be the supervisor.
If his rights are terminated the judge depending on the circumstances may or may not grant visits. If he posses no threat to the child they may not require them to be supervised. Honestly each case is so different with out a bit more detail (which you shouldn't post) there are several scenario's. I would just make sure that the GAL is aware of the history and I would request that if any visits are allowed (based on rights) that they be supervised by the court. This takes you out of the equation.
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