We attended our information meeting on May 8th and have submitted our application to adopt and has been received by the agency. I was told they are processing the application now so that we can be invited to the PRIDE classes in June. During the information meeting, we told them we would prefer to Adopt under school age, any race, and would foster up to age 10. We were told the chances of us getting an infant would be rare because I am not a stay at home mom. Does anyone have any experience with this? We are willing to adopt older, but I was wondering if there would be a possibilty for an infant or toddler in my situation. Please help.
It all depends. Since you are willing to foster you would have a better chance. But if your agency does not place babies with foster families with out a sahm or dad. That would make it harder. It could take 1-2 years before a child is even available for adoption. It also depends on the need in your area. I think since you want to foster also you will have a better chance then someone who wants to just adopt. Good luck.
I agree with previous poster. It really depends on your area & your agency. My partner & I both work & were placed with 11 week old twins the day we were licensed. Some agencies will only place infants with SAH parents. Like everything in foster depends. Good luck. (and be sure you are able to take plenty of time off! When you get a new placement, there are always lots of appointments, it might take time to find the right daycare & everyone is likely to get sick within the first two weeks. lol)
I agree with the others that it could depend upon the agency, but it also depends upon where you live. In Region 6 (Houston) seems to have a lot of babies.
I am a single mom, my first placement, who I received at three days old, went to adoption - adoption finalized at 15 months. My second, current, placement is three years old, TPR has already occurred, if no family can take her, it looks good for adoption.
If my current placement does go to adoption, I will be done fostering until the girls are older. If family can be found for Sunny, I will foster for awhile longer.