We were placed on the foster list about a month ago without a single call from placement. Anyone else experiencing this too?
Are you with an agency? What age range are you looking to take?
I took a placement a month ago, but I had been getting calls, at least once a week for infants, from my agency.
Girls are harder to come by it seems. We have gotten many boy calls, but we are out of space for boys. In the last year we have gotten one girl call. Your call will come.
When I first started fostering I was with CPS too. I got my first placement about a month after I was licensed. I remember one of the placement workers telling me that it often takes a while for newbies to get their first placement because the workers prefer to place with foster homes they already know. I can kinda understand since at first they don't know if you'll be a "good" home or not. The waiting is hard but don't worry, there are never enough homes and you will get a placement soon, and then after that experience the workers will be more willing to place with you.
I think things in Region 6 are moving slow. We got our first placement 2 months after we were licensed. Now, we have been waiting 3 weeks with no calls for another placement. Not that we are rushing it, kinda enjoying our alone time.