I signed up Sunny for WIC - she had already been receiving it, it was just transferring it from her previous placement to us.
But my question is can I use more than one WIC card on a single transaction or do I have to do separate transactions for each card? I was told I could use multiple cards, but that did not work out to be the case at Target yesterday. Seems like they had never had anyone use more than one card before.
Just wondering. It will work to do multiple transactions, I just need to keep track of who still has what left on their card.
Li'l Singer's benefits run out at the end of July anyway, and we won't be able to renew due to my income (she had already been approved before adoption and they said we could keep the benefits for the why not, I already had them and it does help a bit.)
I have SIX on WIC! I have to separate each child's WIC when I use his/her card. We have WIC stores here, which is where I do all my WIC shopping. I usually use three of the cards early in the month and three cards later in the month. I think even our adopted son would qualify for WIC, which would give us a 7th on WIC, solely because he is on Medicaid, and regardless of our income. I just chose not to add him at this time.
Yep, we had to do separate transactions. Once the kids are adopted, if they qualify for WIC, they can put them all on one card, but fosters all get their own card and you have to do individual transactions. (at least my county does)
We have a WIC store too...and when I had 3 different cards, that was BY FAR the easiest place to go. (even though it was slow, at least they didn't mess it up! lol)