I was hoping to do a formal adoption announcement for turkey but am not sure the etiquette. I have a few questions only this forum could answer for me.
1) who do I send the announcements to? I know I am sending them to his drs and specialists, mostly to remind them to legally change his middle and last name on their records. And of course our closest friends and family... but is there anyone else that should receive them?
2) I wanted to have an adoption party but dont know where to start or if that is a good idea? Most people I know already know his story so Im not sure how to go about this.
I only have 20 days until finalization. I probably should have thought about this a lot sooner! Any help? :)
Not really sure who all should be getting announcements but the party sounds great. I have several adopted cousins and in our family we have an Adoption Party/ "Baby Shower", even when the child is not quite a baby. It is a way for everyone to officially welcome the child to the family and present them with a gift and sometimes the parent as well. The party is a nice way to acknowledge the transition to permanency. Nothing too formal, just food (possibly BBQ in the backyard), maybe some games for the kids, a bounce house or something similar and maybe a slide show with your little ones moments to share with family/friends. Make it fun and have a blast:happydance: :banana:
I sent announcements just to close friends and family. We did our party about a month after finalization just because that's what worked for us. We just did a pretty low key drop in party at my church. We did simple foods- basically snacks. I had a picture video of pictures from placement to adoption. It was simple, but nice.
1) who do I send the announcements to? I know I am sending them to his drs and specialists, mostly to remind them to legally change his middle and last name on their records. And of course our closest friends and family... but is there anyone else that should receive them?
It might not be as easy as that. I had to have the new Birth Certificate (which took over six months) to update SS# (took too long, over six weeks, don't remember exactly, to get new card) to update insurance (took about a month) to get records changed.
2) I wanted to have an adoption party but dont know where to start or if that is a good idea? Most people I know already know his story so Im not sure how to go about this.
I only have 20 days until finalization. I probably should have thought about this a lot sooner! Any help? :)
We didn't have a big party, just the people at the courthouse with us, we all went to breakfast after. I never even sent announcements, I included an adoption day picture of her and/or us in our Christmas cards and "announced" it formally that way.
Send one to his CW, especially if s/he isn't burnt out yet and is a nice person. A nice warm fuzzy to remind them of why they went into this work in the first place.