Surely everyone is familiar with the Rachel Dolezal story---just in case you are not, she is a White woman from Spokane Washington who has been lying and pretending to be a Black woman for about the past decade. One of the 'reasons' or excuses she gave for doing this was that 'as the parent of two young Black men, she had to go there with the experience'--implying that as a White woman she could not have properly raised Black children with a healthy sense of self and identity. I immediately thought of all of the people on these forums who are raising children of a different race successfully and was annoyed and offended by her implication. Certainly we as adoptive parents have struggles that others may not have, but I do not feel that race is a deciding factor in one's ability to parent a child appropriately.
I would love to hear other's thoughts on the subject---
Sounds simple, but what it means is that there's no one-size-fits-all for children. Biological or adopted, that is a truth. When focused on the individual rather than the race, obstacles can be tackled, problems talked through, and love given and accepted.
Last update on March 11, 1:22 am by Louis Hodge.