Originally Posted By John GatesI was born in Dusseldorf, Germany to Gisela HAASE, July, 9, 1960. Gisela was reportedly married before 1960 to a Mr. Kosich/Kosik?? I was born Gunter Haase and placed into an orphanage in Boppard/Rhein. In August 1962 I was adopted by an American couple from Boppard. Gisela reportedly married an American soldier from the KaiserSlautern AFB in Germany and they are said to have come to the U.S. in 1972. I know absolutely nothing about my birthfather. Gisela, if you are still in the U.S. and still alive, I would really love to talk with you and find information out about any relatives and family that I may have either in Germany or in the U.S. I have two grown children who would love to know more about their family background and would love to correspond with anyone who knows my birthfamily. Gisela, are you still alive? Please get in touch with me at
Updating contact info... We were contacted by possible bio family member today. Michael, if you are out there - thank you so much. We will sort through the details. I believe that angels must have led you here. We had most of the data correct but not all. Thank you for making the effort to find us.