I got a card from my stepdaughter for my birthday. In it was a gift card to a restaurant. My husband and I haven't been on a date since before my two year old son was born. My toddler is very attached to me as I have stayed home with him since he was born. He even co-sleeps with us. I had a rough birth experience with him which left me with a fair amount of anxiety about my kids. I don't let my kids cry for an extended period of time, and when I do have to be away from them, it is definitely NOT out of sight out of mind. I have tried to leave him with someone else twice. Both times he screamed the whole time, and I ended up leaving early to pick him up. It just breaks my heart, and if I know he is upset, I can't enjoy myself. It has been about 8 months since I have tried to leave him. I would really like to have a date night. I feel like my husband and I both need and deserve it. I know it won't last forever. In about two years I'm sure he will be telling me to go away. Two years just seems like a long time though. Any suggestions for leaving a child who is highly attached to his mother?
It's an important part of a toddler's development to learn to be alright with the absence of their main caregiver. I know that that's heartbreaking and scary and he probably will hate it, but in order for a child to have a healthy attachment style later in life, it needs to happen. Is there anyone else that he is familiar with that you could have babysit?
There a few people he has been around a lot. He is still probably going to scream the whole time. I was hoping he would outgrow it at some point without us having to force the separation.
Sometimes that just doesn't happen unfortunately :/ the same thing happened when my brother left my nephew with me, he screamed for a good hour and a half but after that he realized I was okay and things have been a lot better since then.
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