Hi guys -This is a massive long shot, but gotta at least try. I'm trying to find my biological grandparents and family. My father was adopted to a couple back in the late 1950's or early 60's - Betty and John Lee. I believe at the time, my father's name may have been Robert, which was later changed to Kevin. My adopted Grandmother and I aren't close.. but what little information she did give me was the name Crawford, that they lived in or near St Albans in Victoria and that Kevin was adopted from the mission of St James and St John home in Melbourne. Kevin and I are not close - infact he left my mother to raise me and left the country. I have been trying to locate my family - but he will not let me obtain any information. I know my biological grandmother attempted to reach out some years back - but Kevin refused contact. But I want to find her dearly. If any one out there see's this - please email me or contact me on here -