looking for other foster to adopt parents in Michigan.. particularly ones who fostered infants and adopted them.
My husband and I are in our mid to late 30’s and are unable to have kids through natural means. I am an adoptee so I decided that we should try to adopt instead. We both want a newborn or as close to newborn as possible.. we also both want a girl.
When contacting agencies we have been told that our only option to adopt a newborn or any infant from foster care if to become foster parents.. well we agreed to go to an orientation coming up on the 16th for foster care but we are very scared that this path is the wrong one for us..
we cannot afford the ridiculous prices for a domestic infant adoption through a private agency so foster care adoption is pretty much our only option, right?
We both have attachment issues though and we are affraid of getting to attached or bonded to a baby just to have them taken away and our hearts broken repeatedly... what is the best way to go into fostering a baby and not have this happen? is there something that we can tell the CW to make it so they will only place newborns with us with a very high chance of TPR and being free to adopt asap after placement?
I dont want to sound selfish or anything and please dont take it that way but i want to be able to finalize an adoption while the baby is still a baby.. like under 9 months old... is this just a dream or can this really happen?
Im sooo scared and lost and confused.. someone please help me figure out what we should do!! We are 35 and 38 years old and feel like we are running out of time to have kids before we are too old.
We have friends that were going through the process to foster had a newborn placed with them. they were chosen by the parents. they brought this child home from the hospital. the parents are consenting to them adopting the child. that child turned 2 a month ago and their adoption isn't finalized. we are working through a teen adoption for over a year currently. i think your 9 month timeline might be a bit difficult.