I am an avid reader and this is my first My wife and I were 5 days away from hitting the "6 Month Mark" for abandonment when the mother reached out to DSS. The permanency hearing is scheduled for the beginning of June and we fear the worst. The mother and father have a long history of drug abuse and violence. Our caseworker doesn't seem to be very knowledgable and when speaking to the attorney for the baby he was unaware of some of the history of the parents. I want to make sure that the judge has a true understanding of the parents. The mom has mental issues and has been hospitalized in addition to her violence and drug use. We were considering intervention but we are not sure if we are allowed to intervene. Does anyone know if there is a certain amount of time that has to pass in New York prior to intervention and if it would be wise to use an attorney? I thank you for reading and hope someone can help me out. We are truly scared about the childs well being.
Thank you,