Hi - I recently went through an awful, horrible, scammed adoption fail.
I have some general questions/comments about birthmom expenses. What are they for? I simply don't get it. Birthmoms usually are on Medicaid, and all healthcare expenses are paid for. Which then brings up the point about paying for them for their living expenses and other bills. How is this not a form of coercion? On one end, paying someone seems like a form of coercion in making them feel like they need to place their child b/c someone else is fitting their bills from 4-7 months pre-delivery and 1-month post delivery. But on the other end, folks say "birthmoms are going through the most difficult period in their in making a decision to place a child", therefore pay for them...why?! And the ultimate horrific thing is, pay for them, but at moments notice, they can change their mind, and they made pure cash (either by receiving cash or by having all their expenses paid for so they saved all that money they would've used for living expenses). What I don't understand is, what about the prospective, adoptive parents? We already put an enormous amount of money towards adoption by way of agency fees, lawyer fees, going to another state and being in hotels, buying baby equipment; whereas the birthmom gets this money.....for what? They will continue to stay in the current living situation after the placement is done (if the placement goes through that is). And if the placement doesn't go through, then what was that money for? B/c at the end of the day, they always have the power to change their mind and we, prospective adoptive parents, know that and respect that, as that should always be the case no matter what; ultimate choice for the birthmom. But I cannot wrap my head around the birthmom expenses whatsoever. B/c what ultimately protects us from scam and fraud? A birthmom can literally collect all funds from 4-7 months pre-delivery and 1-month post-delivery and change their mind without reason or disappear, so what prevents them from working the system? Did the funds from 4-7 months pre-delivery or 1-month post-delivery change their entire situation with or without placing their child? Isn't it enough that the prospective adoptive parents already go through numerous failed scenarios - failed natural pregnancies, failed IUI's, failed IVF's, miscarriages, and a VERY LARGE financial bill in adoption that can (and does frequently) fail despite dipping into savings and 401K's, yet we still have to pay a significant amount to a birthmoms expenses......for what? If a birthmom places their child, I understand and get how difficult that decision must be. But is paying for living expenses supposed to subside that feeling? Again as I said above, how is this not coercion on one end, or how is this not an easy scam on the other end? Rather than birthmom expenses, why not put funding towards counseling for birthmom and adoptive parents? I can and would be willing to put an enormous amount of $$ in that area. I tried to reason and understand this and empathize with this going into it, but after the horrific, failed scam adoption, I literally cannot see a single reason why this is even a requirement and an expectation in adoption.
Last update on September 13, 9:40 am by Ty Ma.