We are currently matched with 3 siblings. 2 live together and the 3rd is in a group home. They have not lived together for years. After many weekend visits it is beyond clear they should not be adopted together for MANY highly concerning safety reasons. The agency has made it clear to us if we mention separation they will move on to a new family. The two children are already bonded to us and it breaks my heart for them to have a failed adoption. The agency does not have the best intent for these children and it is scary. They are unwilling to do any transition approaches that could maybe lead to the success of the children. Please understand that our passion is to keep siblings together so coming to this conclusion was difficult but it is about safety.
We have drafted a letter to the judge to appeal his decision to keep them together. Is this something anyone has had success with or does anyone have any tips? So far everyone has told us to bring all 3 into the house and let the 3rd fail the adoption but it is not safe for the children to do that at all with consideration of the behaviors we have witnessed. That is not an option of us. Please help, we feel backed into a corner by the agency and need some tips.
Thank you.