Family adoptions are hard. The Bio's want and want any connection while you are trying to provide stability. I wish you the best! We adopted my great-nephew for same issues. We had an emergency placement of him- still took a week to get some safety stuff approved in our house. After the Bio dad threatened to kidnap my sister so he could force her to show him where we lived and get 'their boy' back we were done- moved states. Our son is very well adjusted 8 year old now. Fostering to adoption took almost 3 years. He was 2 when he came to be with us. I send my niece pictures and she will send gifts occasionally through my sister. We made it clear that any communication beyond like through Skype won't happen until he asks for it. It is his time schedule of when he is ready not my niece's desires. That is how we chose to handle family adoption. I know some do it differently. I was lucky enough to get to talk with an adopted adult from same issues with drugs and abuse. She said we were doing the right way letting him grow up and decide when he was ready then support the contact.
I don't know if this helps you. I hope you get licensed soon!! It will be great to support relationships with rest of family. Our son see's his half sister and brother (older) when we visit Cali- Grandma reads bedtime stories by facebook and he gets to see cousins, aunts, and uncles too! Visitation was the hardest part for us as it went on so long but since they already lost rights not a thing to deal with! Best to you!- Carol