I've been in search of some form of support on this, but it seems that adoption related support is only created for parents of adopted children. I don't want to make this kind of thing about myself, but I too need support in this situation.
I knew my boyfriend had an adopted son going into the relationship. I knew it was an open adoption, and I knew at the time he still had at least some contact with the biomom. What I didn't know is how difficult it would be on my psyche. I didn't know that a year into our relationship I'd want to finally meet his son and be denied that by the biomom. I knew I'd want to meet him eventually, I didn't know when it would become something that weighed on me, being unable to be a part of this aspect of my boyfriend's life.
My boyfriend brings his mom, dad, grandmother, and sometimes his sisters on the visits that they have with his son every 3 or so months. Also, he sees his ex, the biomom, at every visit. It's uncomfortable to me that he still sees her, and for how long will he continue to do visits without me and with her? It's even more uncomfortable that in the event which he requested to her that I come she became very confrontational to him.
I could go on, I need someone who can relate even just a little bit. I've seeked professional support, but during COVID it's been tough finding therapists who are available. So, I'm happy to have found these forums.
I appreciate anyone who can give me their thoughts, stories, anything you think is relevant.
Thank you!