I was born 3/13/1985 and adopted through Love the Children. I came to the US July 27, 1985. I am looking for my birth parents and sibling(s), if any. I have no information and the agency has closed its door. I'm not sure where their records went when it closed. The only part of my korean name I am sure of is Ae Rim, surname is either Cheung or Jong.
If anyone who has found their birth family has any tips on the search, I am very open to suggestions.
Thank you =)
I was born March 7, 1994 and I was also adopted through Love the Children through a closed adoption in 1994. I've recently discovered that the adoption agency has been closed for some time, so I've been struggling to get information on where to start looking. I know that contacting an adoption lawyer can help with getting a court order to unseal a closed adoption record, but I haven't dived too deep into that yet. My korean name is Soo yun yoo, or some approximation of that, I'm always unsure of the spellingI wish you the best of luck!