Hi, I am feeling very stressed and anxious these past few months, because I am unable to search for my biological family at all without my adoptive mom making the first call. I have cried myself to sleep over this turmoil inside of me for years, and now that I’m 23 years old I’m so worried that if my mom doesn’t decide to open the files soon, it’s going to be too late. I have information about a biological older brother named William, a birth mother and birth father, whom are separated as far as I know, due to domestic violence and the latter being unfit to parent. My heart is broken, not because I may have not heard the whole story of my past, but because I won’t find any closure unless I find them and ask them directly from their point of view. I feel I am running out time to seek for them due to so many suicides and tragic deaths that could’ve been one of my family members. I don’t expect a happy reunion, but I just want to find someone from my own lineage to bond with or at least know where I come from.I was hoping there were some older adoptees like myself in a situation where they were not able to contact their birth family until later and if a bond is still possible?
Last update on May 25, 6:34 pm by Grace Quinn.