Originally Posted By Birth name becky lynn harman
girl born 1-6-56 in Buffalo NY 7lbs 9.5oz 21.5 inches taken on 2-6-56
Female adoptee born 1/6/56 in Buffalo, NY, named Becky Lynn by bmom in maternity home, left home 2/6/56. BMom was 20, blonde & blue eyes, BDad was 18 according to ECo Dept of Soc Svcs. Only found "real" info recently. Have seen other search messages but e-mail addresses are old.
Where was she adopted? . . . Buffalo? . . . Who is Lynne? You have me spooked!!!! My name is Lynne.
My birth certificate states I was born 07/21/56, although I'm not sure that is a true birthdate. I have also been told several times that there was someone around the Rochester area years back, that looked exactly like me - my own friends were convinced it was me. So, I started thinking maybe I was one of twins, that were separated at birth and adopted in two separate places. I know I'm probably sounding desperate, but I've reached that point where I don't know what's the truth and what isn't. I was adopted out of Northhaven Agency in Rochester NY; but I don't have my original birth certificate, only the amended one using 07/21/56 as my dob. My adopted mother spent so much time hiding things from me, and refusing to talk about my origins, that I wouldn't doubt if my dob was incorrect as well. Lynne
I grew up in northern virginia, but my adoptive mother was from NY. Wouldn't that be something if we were actually twins!
You and i agree about not knowing or trusting that records or what was told to us are accurate. Like you, my adoptive parents got very upset if I even broached the topic. They are both deceased so any "truth" died with them.
How could we send photos to compare? Even if we aren't related, it would be interesting to compare notes and figure this out together. I've been seriously searching for the past 14 months and was told a birth name, not even sure that is true at this point.
You can reach me at if you'd like to compare photos and stories.
Not sure if I had the right e-mail. Sent you a reply - not sure if you got it!! I've been reading all the e-mail going back and forth on one adoption site I use, and the topic of conversation lately, has been about how the amended birth certificates are not always accurate. That really bums me out. They said, not only do some places change the birthdate, but the city and state of birth, may not be of the actual birth - but of the adoption. That doesn't sound legal, does it? Unfortunately, these people are saying it was not that uncommon for it to be done. Its sad - because every year, on my "birthday", I would look in the paper, hoping that maybe my birthmom would advertise, "looking for baby girl born this date", but there was never anything there. Maybe it wasn't there because that wasn't my actual birthdate. There are probably alot of people out there who will never hook up with their families because they are looking based on false information. Hope all is well with you - I think I do have a picture to try to send - but verify your e-mail address - if you still want to communicate. Hope all is well. Lynne