Originally Posted By ChristineI am 19 years old, and live in Ontario Canada, and I just recently found out that I have a male cousin, only a few months older than me who was given up for adoption. He was apparantly adopted out to the same county as the one I live in, and his father is a minister. I was wondering, what are the chances of my being able to find him, and if so, could you give me any general tips? Thank you very much.
Originally Posted By christineI really appreciate the lack of response I have received. It's also good to see that you answered someone who posted after me. I guess I was stupid to expect anyone on this board to care about the feelings of a lowly Canadian. I guess I'll have to find my cousin without your help.Thanks for nothing.
Hello, I just read your post about your adopted cousin. I myself have been searching for a friend of mine that was adopted out of canada and his father was believed to be a minister. He is 35 now.Don't give up. Do you have any other information such as hospital he was born at, date of birth parents last name, name of child given at birth. Searching for an adopted child can be very frustrating. Good luck in your search.