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Looking for info on:
Madison adoption
All God’s Children
Wide Horizons
Spence Chapin
The Russian & Guatamalan Groups do this so I was hoping we could do it too.
Please read this entire message before posting!
For members who are willing to provide feedback on your first hand experiences with an agency, please post the agency name, city and state that you have first hand experience with on this thread.
New members, for agency feedback, browse the thread for the agency name you want feedback on and then PM as many members as you would like regarding the agency they have listed on this thread.
Please dont post anything to this tread other than the name of the agency, the city and the state in order to minimize confusion!
To make searching the thread easier,please remove your signature/timelines when posting by clicking on the option at the bottom of the screen! Thank you!
If you are still unsure about how the post should look, please view the Guatemalan or RUssian Forums for an example!
Please read this entire message before posting!