i was told that because i have no parents listed on my birth certificate that it is because of a closed adoption. that would be news to me! could someone please give me correct information
I need to know if I can use my Birth Certificate, since I am a Post-OP Transexual, for an International adoption!:confused:
Actually I have no parents listed on mine either. And my was a closed adoption. But I know for fact that doesn't mean yours was. One because I placed my daughter 6 years ago and chose not to sign a birth certifcate or give her a birthname I left that to her A/P. So I know when she pulls her BC that it wont have me or her dad on it. It just really depends. I hope this helps
No, that isn't the problem. My Birth Certificate says "BOY" and I am a "Female" now. I was just curious if that will be noticed or overlooked!
I did contact the Department of Vital Statistics, in Ohio. I was told that Ohio could not do anything to change it, I have herad that other states will amend them as my Birth Certoificate has an amendment for my nme change.
my name is gaylene ker i live in Idaho born in american falls id and adopted in bannok county idaho in poctello eny help would be aprreciated